Не упустите шанс прокачать свои умения и навыки, встретить единомышленников и зарядиться энергией на весь учебный год!
Вас ждет целый день, наполненный вдохновением и новыми идеями.
5 специалистов ELT отрасли проведут для вас интерактивные семинары и поделятся своими секретами мастерства.
От экспертов с опытом и свежим взглядом на методику преподавания
Практические инструменты и идеи, которые сможете сразу же применить на практике!
А в завершение дня вас ждет захватывающая сессия о том, как мессенджеры могут стать вашими надежными помощниками в обучении.
Общение с коллегами и спикерами только на английском языке.
Приглашение на марафон от Юлии Ковалёвой
Приветственное слово от Наталии Тутанцевой-Маскилейсон
Приветственное слово от Софьи Иваненко
Приглашение на марафон от Игоря Чурилова
Приветственное слово и приглашение Академического директора ВКС-IH Хэзер Белгородцевой для всех участников марафона 2025 года.
Спикеры марафона
Преподавание - это забег на длинную дистанцию всей жизни. А брать рекорды намного легче, когда международные чемпионы сами протягивают вам свою эстафетную палочку в виде опыта и ускорения.
Trinity Cert. TESOL, Delta, PGCE in Secondary School Teaching from the Institute of Education, University College London, CELTA Tutor and Teacher Trainer
Heather started teaching English in 1998, and she has been a teacher, an academic manager and a teacher trainer in both London and Moscow, in private language schools and further education colleges.
Currently working full time in teacher development, she has run as many as 90 CELTA courses. She is the author of a CELTA-analogue course for BKC, the Communicative English Teaching course (or CET for short), and works on post-CELTA courses with focuses such as advanced methodology, pronunciation, language awareness, and online teaching (her not-so-secret passion). She also runs Delta Module 1 and 3 preparation courses. She has taken part in both Russian and international Teacher Training Conferences.
Yulia Kovaleva
Senior Academic Director for the BKC-IH Online School. CELTA, BKC CAM, Train the trainer, IH VYL, TKT YL, TKT CLIL, TKT 3 Modules
Yulia Kovaleva is the Academic Director in BKC-IH Moscow's large and thriving Zelenograd branch. She is responsible for new teachers' orientation, supervising the academic quality of the school, and conducting workshops. She has more than 10 year experience in teaching different age groups and levels, including Cambridge exam preparation courses. Yulia finished several professional development courses, including CELTA, IH VYL, TKT YL, BKC CAM (Advanced Methodology).
Nataliya Tutantseva-Maskileison
BKC-IH Academic Director for Novosobodskaya, Moscow. CPE, CELTA, IH CAM, Delta Module 2 (with Merit), accredited Cambridge exam expert, Russian State exams trainer and teacher trainer
Born in France to a multinational family, she grew up acquiring a number of languages simultaneously, studying at bilingual primary and secondary schools in Moscow and going on to finish high school in Albuquerque, USA.
She graduated from Moscow University of Pedagogics, and continued her postgraduate education in Dublin, Ireland and Charles University, Prague. Her professional interests include business English, teaching higher levels, and exam preparation, including Cambridge main suite, IELTS, GMAT, GRE, OET, ILEC, OGE and EGE. She runs BKC Teacher Training Centre’s OGE and EGE Preparation Courses as well as in-house seminars and short courses, and supports the exam preparation teaching team.
Sofya Ivanenko
Senior Teacher at the BKC-IH Online School. CELTA Grade A.
Sofya has been a teacher for 10 years and has experience working with all ages and levels, from very young learners of 2.5 years old up to C2 proficiency courses for adults. However, her main passion is working with kids, both online and offline. At BKC, Sofya is the author of three successful courses for young learners based on the synergy between language and art, aimed at realising kids' potential to the fullest. She strives to share her experience by conducting online teachers through observations, providing lesson planning support, and regularly running in-house seminars on teaching young learners and the Teaching YL Course for BKC teachers.
Igor Churilov
Senior Teacher at the BKC-IH Online School. CELTA, IH CAM, and the full Delta.
Igor has been teaching English for 16 years in a variety of different contexts, ranging from teaching 1-2-1 and General English to Exam Preparation Classes. He has also been working as a Senior Teacher for about 4 years at BKC Online School and is involved in online teachers’ professional development as an observer and regularly runs in-house teacher training seminars, workshops and the Online Teaching Skills Course for BKC teachers. Among his spheres of interests are effective placement testing, online course design, teaching exam classes and exploring learners’ motivation.College Dublin, Ireland and Charles University, Prague. Main fields of professional expertise would be: Exam preparation (Cambridge (full suit), IELTS, GMAT, GRE, BEC, OET, ILEC, EGE, OGE), Business English, General English (higher levels up to C2)
программа марафона
Igor Churilov
Helping Learners with Vocabulary Retention and Retrieval
Hardly does any lesson go without any vocabulary focus at all, be it explicit or implicit. But one of the most common complaints we hear from learners is about being unable to “remember new words”. Most textbooks are notorious for providing “fill in the gaps” activities and not much beyond that. They also don’t exploit texts to their maximum potential when it comes to lexical work.
In this session we will address / revisit different ways of dealing with lexis in class, put ourselves in our learners’ shoes to try out different tasks, and evaluate / adapt teaching materials all with the aim of boosting learners’ vocabulary retention and retrieval.
Nataliya Tutantseva-Maskileison
Guided Discovery - a way towards inductive efficient and engaging language acquisition.
Guided Discovery - inductive, efficient and engaging language acquisition. Guided discovery is an important tool in the modern ESL classroom. It encourages learner independence through training inductive learning. It makes learning more memorable as students are fully involved in the process of learning about new language. And it can also be a meaningful communicative task in its own right. In the session we are going to understand better what guided discovery methodology is and why it works, look at practical strategies for running guided discovery lessons for both lexis and grammar and analyze sample guided discovery worksheets, with a view to creating our own or improving published materials.
Sofya Ivanenko
Projecting Success: Using Projects In YL Teaching
We are all familiar with the word 'project' - but what this actually involves, and how to use one successfully for language learning might be less clear - especially for an online YL classroom!
In this session you will find workable tips about how to incorporate projects into language classes so as to maximise the amount of meaningful language work students do. We're going to talk about setting up tasks efficiently, grading the level of challenge, and unleashing our students’ creativity - in online or offline classes. And we will go away with practical, concrete ideas for projects, including arts and crafts activities, for children from as young as 3 years old up to older teenagers.
Yulia Kovaleva
Teaching pronunciation. Is it still relevant in a globalised world?
No one can deny the impact of globalization on English language learning and teaching. We can easily see it as a major influence on educational tools, content and materials. However, how far should this phenomenon encroach on teaching approaches themselves? Some linguists have no doubts and claim that English standards have, or should have, changed dramatically within the last decade. In this seminar, we will concentrate our attention on pronunciation and talk about English as Lingua Franca, and how this might change what we are trying to achieve. We will try to decide which phonological aspects are crucial to help students produce and which are important only for receptive understanding. Finally, we will analyze how these global changes might influence the language learning and teaching process in our context, finishing with some practical suggestions.
Heather Belgorodtseva
Using Telegram (or Whatsapp) for communicative language practice - for homework!
Getting students to spend enough time outside the classroom practising what they have learnt is often a challenge, as is getting them to use new language in a meaningful and communicative way.
This is where Telegram chats come in. Or, of course, Whatsapp, or any other similar tool.
In this session you will look at examples of tasks I have used to engage reluctant homework doers and recycle grammar and vocabulary from my lessons - communicatively. We will discuss why this medium is effective and formulate guidelines for coming up with and running such tasks. Finally, you will design your own such task.
Всего за 17 500 р. вы получаете доступ для трех участников к нашему захватывающему событию, включая видеозапись!
выгода 5000 р.
что вас ждет на марафоне
Уникальные спикеры
Тренеры с многолетним опытом работы в России и за рубежом. Профессионалы, которые делятся приемами и методиками, проверенными на собственной практике и практике их студентов-преподавателей.
Конкретные инструменты, авторские методики ведущих экспертов - все это точно пополнит профессиональную копилку.
Электронный сертификат участника от BKC-IH Teacher Training Centre, который подтвердит вашу экспертность и конкурентное преимущество
Для каждого
Многие начинают преподавать английский, зная язык, но не обладая педагогическими навыками. Программа марафона выстроена так, что подойдет как профессионалам, которые смогут подтянуть свои hard-skills, так и начинающим, которые освоят педагогические навыки, чтобы сделать английский делом своей жизни
Вклад в карьеру
Полученные знания помогут расширить базу учеников, улучшить их успехи в учебе, повысить конкурентное преимущество при собеседовании на желаемые должность и место работы.
Удобный доступ
За один день вы получите массу новой информации и возможность прокачать свои навыки.
в России центр, аккредитованный международным сообществом
известных спикеров
Что говорят преподаватели о марафоне И работе с нашими тренерами
The One-day Marathon was definitely the best way to spend a Saturday for a curious mind, tired of hearing A2 all the time at work:) А great company of exceptional professionals and highly-motivated colleagues helped boost confidence and creativity and also aroused a host of interesting ideas to implement in the classroom. Thank you!
Элина Полянцева
Well-worth attending. No matter how experienced you are, you can always learn more.
Jacqueline Lipp
Хэзер – прекрасная ролевая модель, и я многому у нее научилась. ... Она вдохновляет, мотивирует. Меня она вдохновила настолько, что захотелось познакомиться с ней вживую – купила билет в Москву и приехала на ее офлайн-тренинг.
Марина Брянцева
This Marathon was quite vivid, informative and structured. I really recommend it.
Олеся Щербинина
I am not an experienced teacher, and for me as a beginner, the information given from Heather and other teachers was extremely helpful! Everything mentioned can be applied in practice, many creative ideas, games and activities. And the general vibe of the marathon was super positive, teachers were friendly, encouraging participants to be active and express their opinions. I am grateful for a chance to learn from professionals.
Юлия Сильвестрова
Thank you so much for providing us with modern English teaching trends ,sharing your ideas and experience of effective teaching approaches.The online marathon was very essential and necessary for teachers. It was like fresh air for me.
Людмила Буланова
That was a useful experience for me. It's a perfect way to develop and improve teaching English skills. Widen knowledge related to teaching English. Thanks to all participants and BKC Tutors and Teacher Trainers. They are professionals with great experience and full of contemporary trends in teaching English. It's always a great pleasure to cooperate with your school.
Ирина Никулина
…. Sharing the same point of view with the other trainees turned out to be a relieve. During the session I defininetely received the answers to my questions and got acquainted with some useful techniques which I can't wait to apply working with my YL. …. I can't but mention the session on literacy. One of the most challenging issues was covered carefully by our wonderful trainer, Anka Zapart.
Елена Артемьева
Благодарю Вас и Учебный центр BKC за плодотворное сотрудничество. Выражаю большую благодарность ведущей вебинара Наталии Тутанцевой-Маскилсон за полезные материалы и искристую подачу, встреча с этим живым и опытным педагогом очень вдохновляет.
Надежда Бугаева
Записаться на One Day Marathon для преподавателей английского