Сделайте подарок себе, своим коллегам, сотрудникам и друзьям
Лидеры ELT отрасли проведут для вас интерактивные семинары и поделятся своими секретами мастерства.
Вы погрузитесь в самые сложные и интересные аспекты методики преподавания английского как иностранного.
Вы не просто услышите теорию — вы получите практические инструменты и идеи, которые сможете сразу же применить на практике!
Вас Ждет день,наполненный вдохновением и новыми идеями.
Не упустите шанс прокачать свои умения и навыки, встретить единомышленников и зарядиться энергией на весь учебный год!
Преподавание - это забег на длинную дистанцию всей жизни. А брать рекорды намного легче, когда международные чемпионы сами протягивают вам свою эстафетную палочку в виде опыта и ускорения.
Luis Clavijo was born in Peru, grew up in the US and has lived in many other countries. He has been teaching for 29 years, is a CELTA and DELTA holder, avid for professional development and intends to do a Masters in the near future. A huge tennis fan, he also enjoys cooking, watching films and series and going to the gym in his free time. He has worked for BKC as a teacher and Academic Manager for a number of years and is interested in teacher training, professional development and helping other teachers develop. Currently he runs the Language and Methodology (Upper Intermediate) and Teaching 121 Effectively courses for the BKC Teacher Training Centre.
Heather Belgorodtseva
Trinity Cert. TESOL, Delta, PGCE in Secondary School Teaching from the Institute of Education, University College London, CELTA Tutor and Teacher Trainer
Heather Belgorodtseva is the Director of Studies for Teacher Training at BKC-IH Moscow. She started teaching English in 1998, and she has been a teacher, an academic manager and a teacher trainer in both London and Moscow, in private language schools and further education colleges.
Currently working full time in teacher development, she has run as many as 90 CELTA courses. She also works on a CELTA-alternative course for BKC, the Communicative English Teaching course (or CET for short), and on post-CELTA courses with focuses such as advanced methodology, and online teaching (her not-so-secret passion). She also runs Delta module 1 and 3 preparation courses. She has taken part in both Russian and international Teacher Training Conferences.
Chad Bearden
Austin College, Sherman, TX, USA: Bachelor of Arts in English Literature Master of Arts in Teaching, Secondary Education International TEFL Academy: TEFL / TESOL Certificate
Chad Bearden has lived and taught English in Moscow for 12 years, and has been an Academic director for Language Link and BKC for the past eight. He is currently looking after the Language Link school in Korolev. Prior to coming to Russia from the United States, he worked for ten years with teenagers as a theatre and English teacher. As an EFL teacher, he has experience with a wide range of ages and language levels, having specialized in the last several years on exam preparation and teacher training. In addition to teaching, Chad has also organized an English language amateur theatre group in Moscow open to both adults and teens interested in dabbling in the performing arts.
Trying to encourage our learners to both enjoy and benefit from reading texts in class can be a challenge as we often repeat the same task types over and over with mixed results and levels of engagement. In this session we will discuss a few extra ideas which will provide you with a bit of a twist. Some of them will explore several less-frequently-used reading sub-skills; some others will serve as the springboard for integrated skills work and/or lexical and grammatical development; but more importantly, most will be low or no-preparation (i.e. unplugged / lazy).
One of the unique challenges often presented by teenage students is their level of motivation (or lack thereof). In this seminar, we'll discuss the ways in which our students' reasons for attending a language class don't always line up with our own, and how to take advantage of their natural tendencies and interests to engage and motivate them to be productive, and sometimes even eager, contributors to our lessons.
Heather Belgorodtseva
When author Terry Prachett described teaching as the honourable profession of lying to students he was not making a criticism, but admiring how teachers try to break down complex ideas to help students of different ages or levels understand them. However, it is worth examining the difference between the pedagogical rules of grammar, compared to the reality of English language usage, and re-considering how far we want to oversimplify what we teach, what the advantages or disadvantages of this are and what any alternatives might be. In this session we will do just that.
CELTA и DELTA тренеры с многолетним опытом работы в России и за рубежом. Профессионалы, которые делятся приемами и методиками, проверенными на собственной практике и практике их студентов-преподавателей.
Конкретные инструменты, авторские методики ведущих экспертов - все это точно пополнит профессиональную копилку.
Электронный сертификат участника от BKC-IH Teacher Training Centre, который подтвердит вашу экспертность и конкурентное преимущество
Для каждого
Многие начинают преподавать английский, зная язык, но не обладая педагогическими навыками. Программа марафона выстроена так, что подойдет как профессионалам, которые смогут подтянуть свои hard-skills, так и начинающим, которые освоят педагогические навыки, чтобы сделать английский делом своей жизни
Вклад в карьеру
Полученные знания помогут расширить базу учеников, улучшить их успехи в учебе, повысить конкурентное преимущество при собеседовании на желаемые должность и место работы.
Удобный доступ
За один день вы получите массу новой информации и возможность прокачать свои навыки.
в России центр, аккредитованный международным сообществом
известных спикера
Что говорят преподаватели о работе с нашими тренерами
"Обсуждения с коллегами и нашим замечательным преподавателем Heather дали четкое понимание как максимально просто, но при этом эффективно доносить информацию. Такой формат предоставил отличную возможность практиковать язык и расширить терминологическую базу. ... Спасибо Heather и BKC за отличный курс!"
Екатерина Цыбровская
"Хэзер мастерски владеет таким ценным навыком преподавателя английского как молчание и умение задавать вопросы, делая студентов активными участниками урока. Просто наблюдая за ее работой учишься массе вещей, не говоря уже о ценнейших материалах курса".
Виктория Лесникова
"Хэзер – прекрасная ролевая модель, и я многому у нее научилась. ... Она вдохновляет, мотивирует. Меня она вдохновила настолько, что захотелось познакомиться с ней вживую – купила билет в Москву и приехала на ее офлайн-тренинг".
Марина Брянцева
“As for me, literacy is a difficult part. Unfortunately, there is a poor basis for developing literacy skills in coursebooks. And a teacher should find, invent, mix and develop materials for literacy. And the session helps to understand the steps and make a plan”.
Наталия Курятникова
“I love all the sessions but the vocabulary, grammar and projects I love the most. There are some cool ideas and activities that I want to apply in my classroom”.
Мария Голубева
“One of the most useful sessions was the session on classroom management and especially the discussion of the case studies, because I got a lot of new ideas how to deal with unwanted behaviour”.
Дарья Комиссарова
“Mixed abilities was the most usefull and interesting for me. This problem is relevant for all ages and groups. I enjoyed discussing with the colleagues the main difficulties when working with such groups, and I also learned a lot of interesting ideas and useful things”.
Оксана Мельникова
“ …. Sharing the same point of view with the other trainees turned out to be a relieve. During the session I defininetely received the answers to my questions and got acquainted with some useful techniques which I can't wait to apply working with my YL. …. I can't but mention the session on literacy. One of the most challenging issues was covered carefully by our wonderful trainer, Anka Zapart”.
Елена Артемьева
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